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所在地: 上海松江区
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2020-04-09 10:47
浏览次数: 32

The N2, N3 and N4 are capacitive, liquid based inclinometers with integrated sensor electronics. They are manufactured with an analog DC output. The sensor electronics require only minimal power and are in conjunction with the capacitive primary transformer characterized by high accuracy, a high signal-to-noise ratio and high long-term stability.
The measurement technique enables a linear relationship between the angle to be measured and the output signal. The determined angle is independent of the local gravitational acceleration, that means that no matter wher the measurement is being taken, whether in Europe, Australia, on Mount Everest or on the moon, the inclination will be measured correctly anywher.
The inclinometers N2, N3 and N4 are suitable for applications requiring a small, light sensor for measurement of relatively large inclinations.
Typical areas of application include measuring instruments and inspection systems, vehicles, automation and safety engineering, scientific devices, medical and communications equipment as well as navigational systems.
Technical Specifications
Type N2 N3 N4 
Measuring range ±10 degrees ±30 degrees ±70 degrees 
Resolution <0,002 degrees <0,005 degrees <0,01 degrees
Linearity deviation 0,2% of measuring range
Transverse sensitivity <1% at 30° tilt
Settling time <0,3 seconds
Supply voltage Ub (regulated) 5 Volt
Permissible supply voltage range Ubz 3V ... 6V
Mechanical overload resistance 10 000 g (approx. 100 000 m/s2)
Current drawn at Ub = 5V approx.1mA 
Degree of protection IP65 
Operating temperature -40°C ... +85°C
Lagertemperatur -45°C ... +90°C
Weight (in metal housing without cable) 18,5 grams 
Standard electrical connection 3 highly flexible, color-coded wires ?1mm, length approx. 18 cm (special lengths on request) 
Alternative electrical connection 0,5m strong, flexible, shielded cable ?2,1mm (special lengths on request)
3 flexible, color-coded wires with Teflon insulation for extended temperature range
Values for analog DC output at UbN = 5 Volt 
Sensitivity approx. 12mV/degree approx. 6mV/degree approx. 3.6mV/degree 
Temperature drift of sensitivity -0,17% / K -0,12% / K
Temperature drift of zero point <±0,05mV/K <±0,025mV/K
Zero offset at Ub=5V (2,5±0,1)Volt - generally: 0,5Ub±4% 
Output impedance 10 kOhm
On request: PWM-output
Each sensor will be delivered with individual calibration dates (offset and sensitivity)
Dimensions (in mm) and Connections
N2, N3, N4  
Small Inclinometers for inclination measurement in the ranges of ±10, ±30 and ±70 degrees.
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linear output characteristics
high measurement accuracy
high long-term stability
hysteresis free output signal
minimal zero point drift
integrated sensor electronics
low power consumption
small housing
light weight
different output signal options
no interference by ambient electromagnetic fields
shockproof as without moving mechanical parts
hermetically sealed
sensor electrically isolated from point of measurement using high quality plastic housing - no ground connections
zero point adjustable through 360° using clamping ring
The N2, N3 and N4 are capacitive, liquid based inclinometers with integrated sensor electronics. They are manufactured with an analog DC output. The sensor electronics require only minimal power and are in conjunction with the capacitive primary transformer characterized by high accuracy, a high signal-to-noise ratio and high long-term stability.
The measurement technique enables a linear relationship between the angle to be measured and the output signal. The determined angle is independent of the local gravitational acceleration, that means that no matter wher the measurement is being taken, whether in Europe, Australia, on Mount Everest or on the moon, the inclination will be measured correctly anywher.
The inclinometers N2, N3 and N4 are suitable for applications requiring a small, light sensor for measurement of relatively large inclinations.
Typical areas of application include measuring instruments and inspection systems, vehicles, automation and safety engineering, scientific devices, medical and communications equipment as well as navigational systems.
Technical Specifications
Type N2 N3 N4 
Measuring range ±10 degrees ±30 degrees ±70 degrees 
Resolution <0,002 degrees <0,005 degrees <0,01 degrees
Linearity deviation 0,2% of measuring range
Transverse sensitivity <1% at 30° tilt
Settling time <0,3 seconds
Supply voltage Ub (regulated) 5 Volt
Permissible supply voltage range Ubz 3V ... 6V
Mechanical overload resistance 10 000 g (approx. 100 000 m/s2)
Current drawn at Ub = 5V approx.1mA 
Degree of protection IP65 
Operating temperature -40°C ... +85°C
Lagertemperatur -45°C ... +90°C
Weight (in metal housing without cable) 18,5 grams 
Standard electrical connection 3 highly flexible, color-coded wires ?1mm, length approx. 18 cm (special lengths on request) 
Alternative electrical connection 0,5m strong, flexible, shielded cable ?2,1mm (special lengths on request)
3 flexible, color-coded wires with Teflon insulation for extended temperature range
Values for analog DC output at UbN = 5 Volt 
Sensitivity approx. 12mV/degree approx. 6mV/degree approx. 3.6mV/degree 
Temperature drift of sensitivity -0,17% / K -0,12% / K
Temperature drift of zero point <±0,05mV/K <±0,025mV/K
Zero offset at Ub=5V (2,5±0,1)Volt - generally: 0,5Ub±4% 
Output impedance 10 kOhm
On request: PWM-output
Each sensor will be delivered with individual calibration dates (offset and sensitivity)
NG2, NG3, NG4
Inclinometers of high measuring accuracy for inclination measurement in the ranges of ±10, ±30 and ±80 degrees with a non-amplified, non-conditioned output signal.
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linear output characteristics
high measurement accuracy
minimal linearity deviation
high long-term stability
hysteresis free output signal
minimal zero point drift
integrated sensor electronics
low power consumption
different output signal options
no interference by ambient electromagnetic fields
shockproof as without moving mechanical parts
hermetically sealed
sensor electrically isolated within the housing from point of measurement - no ground connections
zero point adjustable through 360° using clamping ring
The NG2, NG3 and NG4 are capacitive, liquid based inclinometers with integrated sensor electronics. They are manufactured with an analog DC output. The sensor electronics require only minimal power and are in conjunction with the capacitive primary transformer characterized by high accuracy and high long-term stability.
The measurement technique enables a linear relationship between the angle to be measured and the output signal. The determined angle is independent of the local gravitational acceleration, that means that no matter wher the measurement is being taken, whether in Europe, Australia, on Mount Everest or on the moon, the inclination will be measured correctly anywher.
The inclinometers NG2, NG3 and NG4 are suitable for applications requiring high measurement accuracy with low linearity deviations and high long-term stability for measurement of relatively large inclination angles.
Typical areas of application include construction, mining, vehicles, surveying equipment, aircraft, transportation and conveyor systems as well as ships.
Technical Specifications
Typ NG2 NG3 NG4 
Measuring range ±10 degrees ±30 degrees ±80 degrees 
Resolution <0.001 degrees <0.003 degrees <0.01 degrees 
Linearity deviation <0.1% of measuring range
Transverse sensitivity <0.5% at 45° tilt
Settling time approx. 0.3 seconds
Mechanical overload resistance 10 000 g (approx. 100 000 m/s2)
Supply voltage UbN (regulated) 5V
Permissible supply voltage range Ubz 3V ... 6V
Current drawn at Ub = 5V approx.1mA 
Degree of protection IP65 
Operating temperature -40°C ... +85°C
Storage temperature -45°C ... +90°C
Weight (without clamping ring or cable) approx. 110 grams 
Electrical connection 0.5m shielded cable ? 4.6mm
Values for analog DC output at UbN = 5 Volt 
Sensitivity approx.10mV/degree approx.7mV/degree approx.4.5mV/degree 
Temperature drift of sensitivity <-0.12%/K
Temperature drift of zero point <0.01mV/K
Zero offset at Ub=5V (2,5±0,1)Volt - generally: 0,5Ub±4% 
Output impedance 10 kOhm
Dimensions (in mm) and Connections
Inclinometers of high measurement accuracy with an integrated 4...20mA signal conditioner for inclination measurement in the ranges of ±10, ±30 and ±80 degrees
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