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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2015-04-01 来源:云知光照明微课堂浏览次数:13






       This is an important, win-win move for all parties. Let us explain why.


       With this agreement, we have found the right owner to further build a successful lighting components company in a market that is dominated by scale and cost leadership. After significantly improving the performance of the LED components business over the last few years, and establishing a strong management team and innovation pipeline, Lumileds has shown that this business can further grow, attract more customers and increase scale as a stand-alone company.



       What’s more, GO Scale Capital is a long term value investor with a track record of growing and scaling technology companies. It has invested in more than 100 companies in the past decade. These investments include Boston Power, a U.S.-based manufacturer of electric vehicle batteries, and International Application Technology (IAT), the largest auto design company in China.

       另外,GO Scale Capital是一家长期价值投资者,投了一大串成长型和规模型的技术企业,过去十年投资了100多家,包括美国的电源制造商Boston Power和中国最大的汽车设计公司IAT。(他可不是阿猫阿狗。)

       Furthermore, GO Scale Capital’s management has deep knowledge of the semiconductor and LED components industries and has access to a mid-power LED manufacturing base in China. This complements Lumileds’ high-power LED manufacturing footprint and expertise. The combination offers opportunities to expand the company’s addressable markets – so Lumileds looks set for further expansion and growth.

       而且,GO Scale Capital的管理团队很了解半导体和LED元器件行业,在中国他们手上已经有了一个中功率LED的制造基地。这对Lumileds的高功率LED生产 来说是一个补充。这种联合有望扩大公司的市场——所以Lumileds将实现市场扩张和增长。(他很懂你,还有资源能帮你。)

       So what are the benefits of the deal forPhilips?


       First, we’re proud to count Lumileds as an important supplier to our Lighting solutions business. Second, we retain a significant stake in what we believe will be a growth company. Third, our innovation partnership continues, under the control of our Lighting Solutions business. Finally, the cash generated from the deal enables Philips to build out its investments going forward.





       We know a new entrepreneurial spirit is being unlocked in Lumileds that will unleash an even more powerful company in the marketplace.



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