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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2015-05-06 来源:中国半导体照明网浏览次数:68


       (由国际媒体建筑学会Media Architecture Institute/MAI官方资料提供)


国际媒体建筑学会中国分会即中国媒体建筑学会(Media Architecture Institute China/MAIC)于2015年4月15日在“2015北京国际媒体建筑峰会暨特展”的开幕式上,宣布正式成立,中央美术学院建筑学院副院长常志刚教授任MAIC的主席,办公地点设立于中央美术学院。












The Media Architecture Institute is proud to announce

that we have opened a MAI branch in China. The new MAI China office is situated at China's Central Academy of Fine Arts, one of most competitive art schools in China and a longtime partner of the institute. The local MAI China director is Professor Chang Zhigang, Vice Dean of the architecture department at CAFA. The new MAI branch was formally established during the Beijing Media Architecture Summit and exhibition 2015, held during the 15th and the 16th of April at CAFA museum. Through the new branch in China MAI is directly positioned in the largest and fastest growing country of media architecture and it allows the institute to research deeper into the issues of media architecture, smart cities and digital place making. All three MAI offices in Vienna, Sydney and Beijing are working now together on further exhibitions, prototype installations装置英[ɪnstə'leɪʃnz], book publications and organising events around the globe such as the upcoming Media Architecture Summit America 2015 in Boston, Media Architecture Summit Europe 2016 in Frankfurt and the Media Architecture Biennale英[ba'ɪenəl] 两年发生一次的事物2016 in Sydney. We welcome Prof. Chang to the MAI team and look forward to the future collaborations in researching media architecture topics in China.

Further we need to update the institute site:


In April 2012 the Media Architecture Institute organised the 2nd Media Facades Summit 2012 in Frankfurt as part of the Light and Building Exhibition hosted at the Städelschule. In November 2012 the Institute together with Aarhus University’s CAVI organised the Media Architecture Biennale 2012 in Aarhus.

These events where followed by the Media Facades Summit 2013 in Hong Kong, the Media Facades Summit 2014 in Frankfurt and again in Aarhus the Media Architecture Biennale 2014. In 2015 the institute opened a third office in Beijing with Prof. Chang Zhigang responsible as director for the MAI China branch. MAI China was officially announced at the Media Architecture Summit 2015 in Beijing.


       (由国际媒体建筑学会Media Architecture Institute/MAI官方资料提供)



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