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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2015-09-22 来源:中国半导体照明网浏览次数:78


OSRAM&TraxonMoodify Night Beijing event

9月17日晚,欧司朗在北京康莱德酒店成功举办了Moodify Night 客户交流酒会。该酒会作为欧司朗市场活动的一个品牌,旨在为建筑师、照明设计师、室内外设计师、业主及终端用户提供一个沟通、互动的平台。在悠闲、富有情调的灯光氛围下,在美食美酒的陪伴下,大家互动交流,感受光带来的惊喜与兴奋。本次活动吸引了60多位专业人士参加,欧司朗亚太区灯具及系统解决方案&Traxon CEO Terry O’Neal先生,欧司朗大中华区灯具及系统解决方案销售总监韩敏先生等高层也出席了本次活动,与来宾分享欧司朗的最新产品及应用案例动态。




首先O’Neal 先生发表了开幕致辞,并发布了欧司朗最新研发的两款产品-LIGHTIFY™ Professional和OmniPointTM。随后,欧司朗大中华区商务发展经理程龙先生与来宾分享了欧司朗的成功案例-上海中心。作为上海的地标,欧司朗提供的照明解决方案,为建筑赋予了新的内涵,卓越的产品特性以及灵活的颜色变化使得建筑和灯光完美融合。更重要的是,欧司朗的照明解决方案可以突破由于空间带来的限制,确保了最终的出光效果,解决了设计师实际应用中出现的问题。活动现场的新品展示结合生动、详细的案例分享,让来宾近距离、更深刻地感受到欧司朗的照明解决方案带给人们丰富的视觉体验。

欧司朗亚太区灯具及系统解决方案&Traxon CEO Terry O’Neal先生致辞

最后的抽奖环节将本次活动再次引向高潮,为美妙、放松的交流酒会画下一个完美的句点。继此前Moodify Night 在香港、上海成功举办,此次北京活动的顺利举办也再次将欧司朗倡导的生活方式及照明理念延续下去。




On Sep. 17, OSRAMMoodify Night 2015 Beijing event was held in Conrad hotelsuccessfully. As the branch promotion brand of OSRAM, this event provides an interactive platform for the architects, lighting designers, interior designers and the end users. With the “Mood Light” ambiences, over 60 guests were attracted to get together to feel the excitement and surprise that brought by the light.

At the beginning,Mr.TerryO 'Neal delivered the opening speechwith the announcement oftwo new latest products of OSRAM: LIGHTIFY? Professional and OmniPointTM. ,and then Mr. Cheng shared the case study of Shanghai Tower with the application of OSRAM products, showing the integration of the building and light with the excellent quality and the flexible colours of OSRAM. More importantly, the lighting solutions that provided by OSRAM could help the designers to deal with the issues that happened in the implementation of the projects to ensure the achievement of the final lighting effects.In short, the display of the new product together with the case study of Shanghai Tower, let guests take a closer look at the latest innovations and the products of OSRAM, providing the fantastic visual experience via the lighting changes.

The final lucky draw pushed the event to the climax, and the event ended in the relaxed and joyful ambience. Moodify Night of Beijing, as the third stop after it was held successfully in Hong Kong and Shanghai before, enhances the public understandings on lighting concepts and the life style that is initiated by OSRAM.

关键词: 欧司朗 OSRAM 酒会
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