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Coretronic acquires British image processing company, Calibre

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-08-17 来源:中国半导体照明网浏览次数:419
Bradford, Yorkshire, UK, 16 August 2017 – Coretronic Corporation (Coretronic), Taiwan has completed the acquisition of Calibre, a privately held British image processing technology manufacturer based in Bradford, Yorkshire, UK.
Coretronic manufactures the largest number of DLP? projectors in the world, and is the ODM supplier to the majority of the world’s Tier 1 DLP projector brands.
The acquisition of Calibre expands Coretronic’s technology capability by the addition of Calibre’s compelling range of class leading HQUltra image processing technology and in-house R&D capabilities.
“It reflects Coretronic’s strategy to strengthen its leading position in display and image processing technology with a rich set of capabilities afforded by the Calibre team. This will help Coretronic Group with its plans to further advance in the pro-av markets as well as assisting with entry into the rapidly expanding direct-view LED display markets,” enthused SY Chen, President at Coretronic, Taiwan.
“The acquisition will accelerate the company into new markets as well as to help Coretronic continue to drive its move to being an all-round display systems provider. In particular Calibre will leverage Coretronic Group’s wide reaching sales coverage and growing pro-av channel sales, particularly in Asia, North America and Europe.”
Former Calibre CEO, Tim Brooksbank will lead as Managing Director of
Calibre UK Ltd, now a wholly owned subsidiary of Coretronic.
“We’re delighted to become part of the Coretronic family. We share a common entrepreneurial ethos driven by market development, innovation and above all customer satisfaction. This opens up new opportunities for Calibre’s technology, products and staff as part of the worldwide Coretronic Group,” said Brooksbank.
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