Call for papers
International Workshop on UV Materials and Devices 2018

International Workshop on UV Materials and Devices 2018

December 9-12,2018
Kunming China
Abstract Deadline: July 31, 2018
>IWUMD-2018 will be held on December 9-12, 2018, at Kunming, Yunnan, China.
>The workshop will focus on deep discussion of growth, physics and devices on Ultraviolet (UV) materials including AlN, BN, Ga2O3 and so on.
>The workshop will feature invited, oral and poster sessions. We hope this workshop offers an opportunity for exchanging ideas and enjoying constructive discussion by focusing on UV materials and devicesInternational Advisory Committee of IWUMD-2018.
>The workshop will focus on deep discussion of growth, physics and devices on Ultraviolet (UV) materials including AlN, BN, Ga2O3 and so on.
>The workshop will feature invited, oral and poster sessions. We hope this workshop offers an opportunity for exchanging ideas and enjoying constructive discussion by focusing on UV materials and devicesInternational Advisory Committee of IWUMD-2018.

Jinmim Li (Inst. of Semiconductors, CAS, China)
International Advisory Committee:
Bernard Gil (Univ. of Montpellier, France)
Hiroshi Amano (Nagoya Univ., Japan)
Russell Dupuis (Georgia Ins. Of Tech., USA)
Nicolas Grandjean (EPFL, Switzerland)
Sergey Ivanov (Ioffe Institute, Russia)
Debdeep Jena (Cornell Univ., USA)
Yoichi Kawakami (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
Michael Kneissl (TU Berlin, Germany)
Hideto Miyake (Mie Univ., Japan)
Boon S. Ooi (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
Bo Shen (Peking Univ., China)
Zlatko Sitar (NCSU, USA & Nagoya Univ., Japan)
Takashi Taniguchi (Inst. For Materials Sci. Japan)
C.C. Yang (National Taiwan Univ., Chinese Taipei)
Euijoon Yoon (National Seoul Univ., Korea)
Rong Zhang (Xiamen Univ., China)
The goal of this IWUMD-2018 is to provide a platform for researchers, academia, and industry partners to report on their recent technological breakthroughs under the scope of semiconductor UV photonics. Potential paper topics include:
>Group-III nitride semiconductors, such as GaN, AlN, InN, BN, and related ternary alloys;
>Material systems, such as oxides and II-VI materials, including Ga2O3, ZnO, MgO, and related alloys;
>Low-dimensional structures for UV photonics;
>Research into doping of UV-range semiconductor materials, and/or contacts schemes.
>UV devices, such as light emitters, light-emitting diodes, detectors, laser, random laser, and modulators;
>Nanoscale light-matter interaction physics in UV photonics;
>UV-based systems and applications, including non-line-of-sight communications;
>UV device processing, manufacturing, packaging, and component reliability studies;
>Frontiers in vacuum UV to UV optoelectronics and photonics.
important Date:

Submission of Abstracts:
Abstract Deadline: July 31, 2018
Authors are asked to submit their abstracts via the submission form at
Organized by:
Research and Development Center of SSL, IoS, CAS
Institute of Semiconductors, CAS
China Solid State Lighting Alliance (CSA)
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Institute of Semiconductors, CAS