Scope of the workshop
IWUMD-2018 will be held on December 9-12, 2018, at Kunming, Yunnan, China. The workshop will focus on deep discussion of growth, physics and devices on Ultraviolet(UV) materials including AlN, BN, Ga2O3 and so on. The workshop will feature invited, oral and poster sessions. We hope this workshop offers an opportunityfor exchanging ideas and enjoying constructive discussion by focusing on UV materials and devices.
Workshop Topics
Recently, the AlGaN-based wide to ultrawide bandgap epitaxy and device technology for ultraviolet applications has reached a state of maturity. there are emerging ultra wide bandgap material systems (much larger than 3.4 eV) that have attracted significant attention from the epitaxy, device, and photonics communities.These materials include gallium oxide, boron nitride, and other related ternarycompounds.
The goal of this IWUMD-2018 is to provide a platform for researchers, academia, and industry partners to report on their recent technological breakthroughs under the scope of semiconductor UV photonics.
Potential paper topics include:
1. Materials
Group-III nitride semiconductors, such as GaN, AlN, InN, BN, and related ternary alloys; Material systems, such as oxides and II-VI materials, including Ga2O3,ZnO, MgO, and related alloys; Low-dimensional structures for UV photonics; Research into doping of UV-range semiconductor materials, and/or contacts schemes.
2. Devices
UV devices, such aslight emitters, light-emitting diodes, detectors, laser, random laser, and modulators; Nanoscale light-matter interaction physics in UV photonics;UV-based systems and applications, including non-line-of-sight communications; UV device processing, manufacturing, packaging, and component reliability studies; Frontiers in vacuum UV to UV optoelectronics and photonics.
All submissions will be peer reviewed. Peer review will commence immediately upon manuscript submission, with a goal of making a first decision within 4 weeks of manuscript submission. Submissions should follow the guidelines of the workshop.Manuscripts should be submitted online at
Submission of Abstracts
Abstract Deadline: July31, 2018
Authors are asked to submit their abstracts via the submission form at Detailed information can be found on the website.
Registration Price
All attendees and presenters of the contributed papers are subject to the relevant registration fees
Rigistration fees include:
Symposium documents, invitation to Welcome reception on Dec 9th, 2018.
Tickets for meal bag (Banquet on Dec 10th ,Lunches on Dec 10th -11th and Dinner on Dec 11th).
*Accompany person fee includes welcome reception, banquet,lunches and dinner.